Tree for Tree in Carlsbad Springs
The Tree for Tree giveaway in Carlsbad Springs on May 11, resulted in 250 small trees being provided to local residents to help improve the tree coverage in the area.
Tree coverage has in all of Eastern Ontario has declined significantly over the past decade, particularly in rural eastern Ottawa and Russell Township, both of which have seen extreme population growth.
This event was conceived of last year after 75 hectares of forest along Piperville Road was completely removed by a subcontractor for the proposed Tewin development. Tewin is owned by the Taggart Group of Companies (which also wants to place a massive landfill on Boundary Road) and the Algonquins of Ontario.
Photos courtesy Denis Labreche
Carlsbad Springs Community Association president Adrian Becea addresses the small crowd at the Tree for Tree event.
A representative from Forests Ontario was on hand.
CSCA President Adrian Becea